three characteristics of entrusting and non-entrusting 三不三信 The three characteristics of entrusting are 1) genuine mind (junshin 淳心), 2) single mind (isshin 一心), and 3) enduring mind (sōzokushin 相続心), and those of non-entrusting are their opposites: nongenuine, nonsingle, and nonenduring minds. These characteristics were first enumerated by T’an-luan in his Commentary on Vasubandhu’s Treatise on the Pure Land. There he states that entrusting is not genuine when it appears and disappears, not single-minded when it lacks decisiveness, and not enduring when disrupted by other thoughts.
 For Shinran, shinjin, because it is the working of Other Power, has the characteristics of genuine, single, and enduring mind. Attitudes of self-power are characterized as nongenuine, nonsingle, and nonenduring.