single thought-moment 一念 Though the original term ichinen has various connotations, Shinran uses it with reference to the saying of the nembutsu and the realization of the “entrusting heart”. The latter has two aspects: 1) the shortest possible instant of time of awakening to Amida’s compassionate working, i.e., the realization of the “entrusting heart”, 2) the single-heartedness of the “entrusting heart”. When Shinran uses ichinen with reference to the realization of “entrusting heart”, the two aspects are combined and rendered as “sigle thought-moment”.
 Rennyo uses ichinen mostly to describe the “entrusting heart”, or the “settled mind”, just as Shinran does. In the present translation, it is rendered as “single thought-moment”, “single thought of entrusting”, or “singleness of thought” depending upon the context.