samatha and vipasyana 奢摩他・毘婆舎那 Samatha (Skt. samatha), lit., “calming and concentration of mind” and vipasyana (Skt. vipasyana), lit., “insight into reality” are used together to describe the ultimate state achieved in the practice of meditation especially in the Yogacara school. In the Treatise on the Pure Land, Vasubandhu applies samatha for the aspiration for birth in Amida’s Pure Land, and vipasyana for the contemplation on its twenty-nine aspects, namely on the seventeen aspects of the Land, the eight aspects of Amida Buddha, and the four aspects of bodhisattvas therein. Of the two, samatha, as expressive of _Vasubandhu’s own single-minded aspiration for birth in the Pure Land, became the core of the Pure Land tradition thereafter.