Primal Vow of Amida Buddha 阿弥陀仏本願 In Mahayana Buddhism in general, every bodhisattva establishes a vow for attaining the ultimate enlightenment and guiding all sentient beings to the same goal. (Concerning the vow of general Mahayana bodhisattvas, see “original vow”.) In Pure Land Buddhism, it specifically refers to the Vow of Amida Buddha originating from the profound desire to free all beings from the cycle of birth-and-death. It is stated in the Larger Sutra that Bodhisattva Dharmākara made the Forty-eight Vows and, after fulfilling them by performing bodhisattva practices, became Amida Buddha. Of these Vows, emphasis is placed on the Eighteenth Vow which promises that sentient beings attain liberation through calling Amida’s Name with sincere and entrusting heart.