practicer 行者 Practicer of Jodo Shinshu are those who entrust themselves to Amida and solely say the nembutsu without any calculation and effort. The nembutsu practice is not a means to attain birth in the Pure Land, but it is the manifestation of Amida’s saving power. Concerning this, Shinran states: “The nembutsu of Amida’s Primal Vow is not our practice, it is not our good. . . . It is the Name that is good, the Name that is the practice.” (Lamp for the Latter Ages 22) According to Shinran, the practice is ‘the great practice’ in the sense that it is none other than Amida’s working. Hence, we have such expressions as “practicers of the Primal Vow”, “practicers of the entrusting heart”, and “practicers of the nembutsu”.