oneness 一如 Lit., “nondual suchness”; that is, things perceived as they truly are as absolute reality (see Suchness). Ichinyo, which appears widely in Japanese Buddhism beginning with the Tendai and Shingon schools, may be understood as an abbreviation of the phrase ichijitu shinnyo, literally “the One-reality of suchness”, or suchness as the all-inclusive true reality. Ichi (“one”) here signifies the totality of all things; it refers, that is, to all things grasped nondiscriminatively, in their nondiffer­entiation or equality, and expresses a denial of relativistic concepts superimposed on things through objectifying thought. This “oneness”, then, points not to a single, homogeneous reality under­lying all existence, or to the loss of the particularity of things, but rather to the emergence of all things as they are in themselves through the elimination of discriminative thinking.