One Vehicle 一乗 Vehicle (yāna) refers to the teaching, which is not an object of contemplation or philosophical study, but is to be actually utilized to go beyond birth-and-death. In Mahayana Buddhism, reference is made to the Three Vehicles, which include the ways of disciples (śrāvaka), solitary Buddhas (pratyekabuddha), and bodhisattvas, and to the One Vehicle, which is nonexclusive and makes no such distinctions. Shinran, however, goes beyond these to speak of the One Buddha-Vehicle of the Primal Vow or the Ocean of the One Vehicle of the Primal Vow: “Since there is no one―whether among the wise of the Mahayana or the Hinayana, or the ignorant, good or evil―who can attain supreme nirvana through his own self-cultivated wisdom, we are encouraged to enter the ocean of the wisdom―Vow of the Buddha of unhindered light (Notes on ‘Essentials of Faith Alone’).”