once-calling, many-calling 一念多念 A debate that originally began over the question of the sufficiency of a single calling of the Name, which embodies the saving power of Amida, or the necessity of frequent saying of the nembutsu, since the practice of the Pure Land path was recitative nembutsu. Later it became a debate between stress on the experience of shinjin, which manifests itself in a single utterance, or emphasis on constant mindfulness, which means multiple recitation of nembutsu. For Shinran, however, both are valid, having their origins in the Primal Vow, and selecting one over the other is to make it a product of calculation which no longer accords with the Primal Vow. In fact, they are not in opposition but mutually inclusive, because whether mental (shinjin) or physical (recitation), they are Amida’s not the practicer’s, working. In the terms “once-calling” and “many-calling”, “calling” connotes not only recitation but also, in Shinran’s understanding, the source and contents of nembutsu, which is a call from Amida and our response to it. When the “calling” involves our whole being, we experience shinjin, in which time and timelessness converge.