mind that is single 一心 Originates in the phrase of the first stanza of the verses in the Treatise: “O World-honored One, with the mind that is single / I take refuge in the Tathagata of Unhindered Light filling the ten quarters / And aspire to be born in the Land of Peace and Happiness.” Concerning the stanza, T’an-luan states that “The words, Single-heartedly I, are Bodhisattva Vasubandhu’s profession of personal commitment”. Thus in the Treatise:, it expresses his sincere aspiration for birth in the Pure Land, and later in the tradition it came to be regarded as the basic state of mind of the aspirants in general for birth. For Shinran, attaining the mind that is single means that a person is single-minded, free of doubt, and not wavering between choices. Moreover, it is realized solely through the working of Amida’s Power.