holding steadfast to the Name 執持名号 A phrase of doctrinal importance in the Amida Sutra. It corresponds to “thinking of” or “being mindful of” the Name of Amida Buddha in the Sanskrit text and the other Chinese version. Shan-tao, however, considers this phrase to be “saying the Name of Amida Buddha” as the meritorious act for attaining birth in the Pure Land. This interpretation is followed by Hōnen. Shinran views the Amida Sutra from two perspectives, explicit and implicit. As for the explicit meaning of this phrase, Shinran accepts the view of Shan-tao and Hōnen, but in its implicit meaning he identifies it with entrusting heart which is the only cause for attaining birth. In the Passages on the Pure Land Way, Shinran clarifies this phrase as follows: “‘Steadfast’ means that the mind is firm and unchanging. ‘Holding’ means not being distracted and not letting go.Hence the sense of ‘never becoming confused’. ‘Holding steadfast’ is thus the mind that is single. The mind that is single is shinjin.” He interprets the following passage in the Contemplation Sutra in the same way, “Hold firmly to these words. To hold to these words is to hold to the Name of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life.”