five grave offenses 五逆 Generally the following five are enumerated: 1) killing one’s father, 2) killing one’s mother, 3) killing an arhat, 4) disrupting the harmony of the Buddhist order (sangha) through one’s inverted views, and 5) maliciously causing blood to flow from the body of the Buddha. One who has committed any of these will fall into Avīci hell and suffer unimaginable pain for countless kalpas. Shinran also accepts the following Mahayana view: 1) destroying stupas, burning sutra repositories, or plundering the belongings of the Three Treasures; 2) speaking evil of the teaching of the three vehicles, saying they are not the sacred teachings, obstructing and censuring it, or attempting to hide and obscure it; 3) beating those who have abandoned home life, whether they observe precepts, have not received precepts, or break precepts; persecuting them, enumerating their faults, confining them, forcing them to return to lay life, putting them to mental labor, exacting taxes from them, or depriving them of life; 4) killing one’s father, harming one’s mother, causing blood to flow from the body of the Buddha, disrupting the harmony of the sangha, or killing an arhat; 5) speaking evil by saying there is no cause and effect and constantly performing the ten transgressions throughout the long night of ignorance.