diamondlike mind 金剛心 A synonym for shinjin. The diamond (vajra) is a favorite metaphor in Mahayana Buddhism for the bodhisattva’s indest­ructible wisdom, which sunders all forms of evil, both within and without. In the Path of Sages, this metaphor is used to express the great power of prajñā, which acts at the last stage of the bodhisattva’s practice to cut the deepest root of attachment to birth-and-death. Shinran states: “When sentient beings realize shinjin, they attain the equal of perfect enlightenment and will ultimately attain the supreme enlightenment, being of the same stage as Maitreya, the future Buddha. Hence shinjin is like a diamond, never breaking, or degenerating, or becoming fragmented (Notes on ‘Essentials of Faith Alone’).” In Shinran’s teaching, it is used to indicate that shinjin itself is indestructible, not because of our strong conviction or firm belief, but because it is Other Power.