dharma-realm body 法界身 In the eighth contemplation of the Contemplation Sutra, there is a desctiption that “every Buddha-tathagata, having the dharma-realm as their body, enters the minds of all beings”. Concerning the concept of “dharma-realm body”, there was much discussion among Chinese Buddhist masters; 1) according to the masters of other traditions, it refers to the ultimate formless reality of dharma-body which pervades all beings in the universe; 2) according to T’an-luan, it refers to the Buddha’s image conceived in the minds of sentient beings; 3) according to Shan-tao, it refers to the Buddha’s body accommodated to the realm of sentient beings; in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra, he states to the effect that “dharma-realm” is the world of sentient beings; “body” refers to the Buddha’s body which performs the saving work.