dharma-body of equality 平等法身 ‘Dharma-body’ can be viewed as from two aspects of ‘dharma-body of suchness’ and ‘dharma-body as compassionate means’. Dharma-body of suchness is the reality of the absolute. It is formless and nameless; it has no knowable material and it transcends the capacity of discriminative thinking whereby sentient beings are not able to apprehend nor understand it. However, this dharma-body makes itself known to us in the form of dharma-body as compassionate means, i.e. the Primal Vow expounding the Name of Amida Buddha and the story of bodhisattva Dharmākara in the Larger Sutra. Birth that is made possible by the power of the Primal Vow transcends all form of distinction and discrimination and therefore, all who are born there are equal. ‘Equality’ is the absolute reality that embraces and receives all beings, and materials without discrimination and/or conditions placed upon them. The two aspects of dharma-body, suchness and compassionate means, are hence inseparable. As related terms, Seebody of true reality, body for the sake of beings’, ‘dharma-bodies of two dimensions’, ‘twofold truth’.