deep mind 深心 The second of the three minds in the Contemplation Sutra, which includes sincere mind, deep mind, and mind of aspiration for birth. Shan-tao regarded these three as essential for birth in the Pure Land. Deep mind is none other than profound entrusting which has two aspects: the awareness of ki, the finite and limited self steeped in blind passions (object of Amida’s Vow), and the awareness of , the working of Amida’s Vow directed to the foolish self (dharma that functions solely for the sake of such a being). Hōnen focused on deep mind as central, sincere mind and mind of aspiration for birth as one with deep mind. Deep mind, then, is none other than shinjin, and the nembutsu which spontaneously arises from it becomes the cause for birth in the Pure Land. Shinran explored the relationship between these three minds and the threefold mind of the Larger Sutra (sincere mind, entrusting, and aspiration for birth), and he gave two interpretations of the Contemplation Sutra teaching, explicit and implicit. The former regards the three minds of Contemp­lation Sutra as an expression of self-power, and the latter identifies them with the threefold mind of the Larger Sutra. Thus, according to Shinran, deep mind properly understood is ultimately the one mind of Other Power, the true and real mind bestowed on a person by Amida, and hence completely free of doubt.