Amida Sutra 阿弥陀経 One of the Three Pure Land Sutras; often called the Smaller Sutra in contrast to the Larger Sutra. This sutra was translated into Chinese by Kmālajīva in 402 C.E. during the Yao-Ch’in Dynasty. In the first half, it describes Amida Buddha and the adornments of the Pure Land called “Perfect Bliss”, and teaches how to be born there. In the second half, it features all Buddhas’ praise and protection of the teaching of birth in the Pure Land through the nembutsu. According to Shinran, this sutra has both explicit and implicit meanings, just as the Contemplation Sutra does: explicitly, it teaches the nembutsu of self-power for the attainment of birth in the Pure Land, but implicitly, the nembutsu of Other Power.