adornment produced by the Vow-mind 願心荘厳 The twenty-nine kinds of adornments of the Pure Land, Amida Buddha and the bodhisattvas are produced by Bodhisattva Dharmākara’s pure Vow-mind. This concept corresponds to the following statements: the seventeen kinds of adornments of the Land of Amida Buddha, which reveals the perfection of the virtuous power of the Tathagata’s benefiting himself and benefiting others, and also to the adornments of virtue of the Tathagata for self-benefit and benefiting others that have been fulfilled in due order. In T’an-luan’s Commentary, we find a passage concerning this notion: “These three types of fulfilled adornments were originally accomplished by the adorning activity of the pure Vow-mind expressed as the Forty-eight Vows; hence, because the cause is pure, the fruition is also pure. It is not that there is no cause or that there is some other cause.” This passage is quoted in Shinran’s Kyōgyōshinshō to indicate that the true cause for our birth in the Pure Land is produced by Amida’s pure Vow-mind.